It was a 12-lecture course covering:
- Git
- Flask
- ORMs, APIs
- JavaScript
- Front Ends
- Django
- Testing,
- GitHub, Travis CI
- Scalability
- Security
I posted three new repositories on my GitHub from assignments from the class.
Book review Flask App
Website where users can log in, search for a book, go to a book's page, see rating data from GoodReads, and add a review.
Web Socket Chat App
This is another Flask website. It's a chat room website. It uses flask_socketio, which is an Ajax library for flask. Users can send and receive messages and change chat rooms, all while staying on the same web page.
Pizza Order App
GitHubUsers create an account and log in. The order page allows the user to add pizzas to an order, customizing the toppings, crust, and size. Staff can add their pizzas and track pending, unfulfilled orders via Django's Administration page.